Friday, March 8, 2013

Posters by Kazumasa Nagai ~ Pink Tentacle

Super post on Pink Tentacle about Kasumasa Nagai, Japanese designer whose printes feature here from the q960's and 70's.  Design was in a different age back them an the simplicity of these neo-geo designs is something marvellous to see.

Posters by Kazumasa Nagai ~ Pink Tentacle:

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We are as gods and might as well get good at it - but does it float

Intermodulations of rippling spectrum reveal synergy of tone even in apparent miasmatic peril; asynchronous effervescence reveal majesty in chaos.

We are as gods and might as well get good at it - but does it float: "y Theo Altenberg"

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A gulp for the whole of life - but does it float

A gulp for the whole of life - but does it float

Branding | LogoLounge logo trend report 2012 | Layman's layout

Enjoyable article about the trend reports on logo and aesthetic developments.  Crossing Environmental aesthetics with corporate branding in a new wave of commercial ideologies, perhaps?  Where there appears to be change there may actually be some!

Branding | LogoLounge logo trend report 2012 | Layman's layout: "LogoLounge"

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Aesthetics of Technological Design


Grasshopper is a 3D Graphical algorhythm editor for Rhino's 3D modelling tools.  It provides a new possibility of aesthetic integration in Architechure and design due to its complex biomechanical interactions.  It provides for a stunning array of complex, self reflexive environments.